
I can see you

It has recently come to my attention that whenever somebody asks me how old my baby is, the next thing they inevitably do - with admirable nerve - is to give me a quick once-over. Every time. Men, women, young and old - all checking out the post-baby goodies 7 months down the line.  Not that I particularly care, but newsflash: if we're having a conversation, then I'm looking at your face. Which means I can see what your eyes are doing. At least wait until I'm walking away to assess the junk in my trunk.

If you're watching the wobble (as I am, every week in Pilates, quite literally. It's the 360-degree mirrors. They're a deathtrap for anyone who already suspects their bottom might need a support bra), then try a skin-tightening body gel. They sink in quicker than a cream, and while they're never going to give you thighs like a foal, they do give a pleasingly 'squeezed' effect that spurs you on to do one more set of lunges, if nothing else.

I like Bliss FatGirlSlim (minty, tingly and tightening) and Mamma Mio Zap Tummy Toner (not just for mums and tums - these days I'm using it to tackle slack upper arms).

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